Porn Addiction Counselling

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We provide porn addiction counselling. We provide effective treatment both from porn addiction and compulsive use of adult contact sites. Non-residential outpatient therapy. If you are affected by your own or someone else’s use of pornography, call us, we can help.  We have helped many patients achieve porn addiction recovery.


Ask yourself:

Do you regret the time you spend watching pornography?

Are you spending ‘secret time’ on adult contact sites?

Does watching porn interfere with your work, your family or social commitments?

Are you exhausted after ‘binge’ period of watching porn?

Are you having difficulty with being honest and intimate?

Do you browse the ‘escort sites’ without your partner knowing?

Are there consequences you want rid of as a result of watching pornography?

Do you get angry, frustrated or irritated when someone comments on your activity or behaviour?

Do you get angry, frustrated or irritated at yourself for watching?

Do you make promises you fail to keep about cutting down your porn use?

Does your masturbation involve you watching pornography?

Does your masturbation involve you fantasising about what you have previously watched?

Is your porn use daily?

Is your porn use affecting your relationship?

Has your partner given you an ultimatum?



Call us if the answer to any of the above is yes. 01227 290 098

We will help you stop your addictive use of pornography. We provide professional help for pornography addiction. call us now on 01227 290 098. We have a tried and tested pron addiction counselling programme. We will help you break your habit.


When viewing pornography becomes a habit you can’t break, call us. When you are not able to be honest about it, call us. When it is causing you worry, call us. We have a highly qualified specific addiction counsellor on standby ready to help you stop.


Porn Addiction Counselling


We counsel porn addicts, habitual porn users, loved ones and partners of porn addicts. If you are concerned about your partner or husband watching porn, we have trained and expert therapists ready to help you. We provide effective and focused therapy for partners who feel betrayed, rage and confusion.


If you are addicted to adult contact sites, call us, we can help you stop. We can help you stop your compulsion to contact people. We can help you reshape your life. Call 01227 290 098



For a non judgmental approach please call us now to get onto the path of recovery from porn addiction.