Anger Self-Assessment Test Tick “T” for TRUE if you agree with the statement or “F” for FALSE if you disagree with the statement. 1. I use abusive language, such as, name-calling, insults, sarcasm or swearing.TrueFalse 2. People tell me that I become too angry, too quickly.TrueFalse 3. I am easily annoyed and irritated and then it takes a long time to calm down.TrueFalse 4. When I think about the bad things people did to me or the unfair deals that I have gotten in life, I still get angry.TrueFalse 5. I often make critical, judgmental comments to others, even if they do not ask for my advice or help.TrueFalse 6. I use passive-aggressive behaviours, such as ignoring the other person or promising to do something and then “forgetting” about it to get the other person to leave me alone.TrueFalse 7. At times, I use aggressive body language and facial expressions, like clenching my fists, staring at someone, or deliberately looking intimidating.TrueFalse 8. When someone does or says something that angers me, I spend a lot of time thinking about what cutting replies I should have used at the time or how I can get revenge.TrueFalse 9. I use self-destructive behaviours to calm down after an angry outburst such as drinking alcohol or using drugs, gambling, eating too much and vomiting, or cutting myself.TrueFalse 10. When I get really angry about something, I sometimes feel physically sick (headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, etc.) after the incident.TrueFalse 11. It is very hard to forgive someone who has hurt me even when they have apologised and seem very sorry for having hurt me.TrueFalse 12. I always have to win an argument and prove that I am “right.”TrueFalse 13. I usually make excuses for my behaviour and blame other people or circumstances for my anger (like job stress, financial problems, etc.)TrueFalse 14. I react to frustration so badly that I cannot stop thinking about it or I can’t sleep at night because I think about things that have made me angry.TrueFalse 15. After arguing with someone, I often hate myself for losing my temper.TrueFalse 16. Sometimes I feel so angry that I’ve thought about killing another person or killing myself.TrueFalse 17. I get so angry that sometimes I forget what I said or did.TrueFalse 18. I know that some people are afraid of me when I get angry or they will “walk on eggshells” to avoid getting me upset.TrueFalse 19. At times I have gotten so angry that I have slammed doors, thrown things, broken items, or punched walls.TrueFalse 20. I have been inappropriately jealous and possessive of my partner, accusing him or her of cheating - even when there was no evidence that my partner was being unfaithful.TrueFalse 21. Sometimes I have forced my partner to do sexual behaviour that he or she does not want to do, or I have threatened to cheat on my partner if he/she does not do what I want them to do to please me sexually.TrueFalse 22. At times I have ignored my partner on purpose to hurt him or her, but have been overly nice to other family members or friends.TrueFalse 23. I have kept my partner dependent on me or socially isolated so that I can control and manipulate their feelings and actions so they will not leave me or end our relationship.TrueFalse 24. I have used threats to get my way or win an argument.TrueFalse 25. I feel that people have betrayed me a lot in the past and I have a hard time trusting anyone.TrueFalse